Penetration Testing 101: What Is It, Importance, Benefits, on Pentesting Quote

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When it comes to penetration testing, there are many businesses that are still unsure of what it is and what benefits it can bring. In this article, we will be discussing penetration testing in detail and clear up any misconceptions you may have about it. We will also give you information on what a penetration testing quote is. So, whether you’re just starting out or you’re curious about the pricing, we’ve got you covered!

Understanding Penetration Testing: What Is It?

A penetration test, also known as an ethical hacking or simulated cyberattack on a computer system, is a legally authorized simulation of a cyber intrusion that evaluates the security of the system. The purpose of penetration testing is to assess the security of a system or network and identify any weaknesses that could be exploited by cybercriminals.

Why Is Penetration Testing Important?

One of the most important reasons is that it helps to ensure that your systems and networks are secure against potential threats. Penetration testing can also help you to understand how vulnerable your systems and networks are to attack, and what steps you need to take to improve their security. By identifying vulnerabilities early on, you can avoid the costly repairs and replacements that would be necessary if your system or network was to be hacked.

Penetration testing is also critical since it may help you boost your brand image and reputation. Customers will be more inclined to trust you with their personal information if your systems and networks are secure.

Finally, penetration testing is essential since it may aid in your compliance with industry standards. In some industries, continuous penetration testing is a requirement in order to obtain certain licenses or certifications. By pentesting your systems and networks, you can ensure that you are meeting all of the requirements for these licenses and certifications.

Types of Penetration Testing & Required Techniques for It

Black box and white box testing are the two primary types of penetration testing. The tester performing black-box testing has no prior knowledge of the system or network being tested. White-box penetration testing is a form of penetration testing in which the tester has complete knowledge of the system or network being tested.

Penetration Testing Techniques

  • External Testing: A company’s perimeter networks are penetration tested via external penetration testing. Your perimeter consists of all the systems that are immediately accessible from the internet.
  • Internal Testing: After completing an external pen test, an internal pen test is usually done. It mimics a hostile insider and determines how a hacker with inside access might exploit or damage the network, systems, or data.
  • Remote Testing: A dedicated remote team performs a penetration test (RPT) that involves identifying and analyzing vulnerabilities. The RPT crew worked with the stakeholder to check internet exposure to find exploitable pathways.
  • Wireless Testing: The process of wireless penetration testing is divided into six phases: reconnaissance, identification of wireless networks, vulnerability research, exploitation, reporting, and repair. These checks are mostly used to ensure that secure software code creation continues throughout the development cycle.

How Frequently Should a Penetration Test be Conducted?

The frequency of penetration testing is determined by the size and complexity of your systems and networks, as well as the industry you operate in. In general, it is recommended that you do a penetration test at least once a year. However, if you have recently made changes to your system or network, or if you are in an industry with strict regulations, you may need to perform penetration testing more frequently.

Pricing For Penetration Testing Services

The price of penetration testing services will vary depending on the size and complexity of your system or network, as well as the type of penetration testing you require. In general, penetration testing services start at around $500 for a small system or network. However, if you have a large system or network, or if you require a more comprehensive penetration test, the price can be much higher.

How Can You Get a Penetration Testing Quote?

If you want to obtain a penetration testing quote, there are a few things you must do.

  1. You need to gather information about your system or network, including its size and complexity
  2. You must choose whether you need a comprehensive or basic penetration test
  3. You’ll need to contact a number of penetration testing firms and ask for quotations from each one

2 Factors that Make a Penetration Testing Quote Different from Another

There are two main factors that can make a penetration testing quote different from another: the scope of the penetration test and the price.

The Scope of the Test

The scope of a penetration test is the portion of your system or network that will be examined. The more comprehensive the scope, the more expensive the penetration test will be. For example, if you only want a penetration test of your website, the price will be lower than if you wanted a penetration test of your entire network.

Size & Complexity of the Network

The size and complexity of a system or network can often determine the cost of a penetration test along with the kind of penetration testing you need. In general, penetration testing services start at around $500 for a small system or network. However, if you have a large system or network, or if you require a more comprehensive penetration test, the price can be much higher.

When requesting quotes from penetration testing companies, it is important to keep in mind that not every penetration testing quote is created equal. Check the scope and price of each quotation before making a selection.


Penetration testing helps identify weaknesses in systems and networks so that they can be fixed before attackers have a chance to exploit them. There are many different types of penetration tests, and the frequency with which they should be performed will vary depending on the size and complexity of your system or network. The price of penetration testing services will also vary depending on these factors.