Secure your applications, save time and money, and feel confident audit after audit

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) as per the OWASP Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS)

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) is a procedure that actively investigates running applications with penetration tests to detect possible security vulnerabilities.

Web applications power many mission-critical business processes today, from public-facing e-commerce stores to internal financial systems. While these web applications can enable dynamic business growth, they also often harbor potential weaknesses that, if left unidentified and unremediated, could quickly lead to a damaging and costly data breach.

To address this growing threat, businesses are increasingly deploying dynamic application security testing (DAST) tools as part of a more security-forward approach to web application development. DAST tools provide insight into how your web applications behave while they are in production, enabling your business to address potential vulnerabilities before a hacker uses them to stage an attack. As your web applications evolve, DAST solutions continue to scan them so that your business can promptly identify and remediate emerging issues before they develop into serious risks.

Enterprise security today is highly focused on the application layer. Since security efforts have largely been successful in securing the enterprise perimeter, hackers and other malicious individuals have turned their attention to enterprise applications. Using embedded code or exploiting flaws in software, hackers gain control of company computers and get access to confidential information and customer records. Static code analysis is one of the security tools the enterprise can use to identify flaws and malicious code in applications before they are bought or deployed. But most static code analysis tools are only partially helpful - they focus on source code which, as proprietary or intellectual property, is often not accessible for testing. For enterprises seeking a static code analysis solution that can actually deliver 100 percent coverage even when source code is not available, Cryptika has the answer.

Why Do You Need a DAST Assessment

Web application attacks may not get the same headlines that ransomware exploits do, but they are without question a major threat to businesses of all kinds. One of the most common web-based attacks is SQL injection (SQLi), in which an adversary can gain complete control over a company’s web application database by inserting arbitrary SQL code into a database query.

Another is cross-site scripting (XSS), in which attackers inject their own code into a web application with which they may then steal user credentials, session cookies, or other sensitive information—with neither the user nor the company having any idea that this has happened.

Cryptika Vulnerability Management

Cryptika DAST service gives you immediate, global visibility into where your Apps might be vulnerable to the latest threats and how to protect them. It helps you to continuously secure your application development and comply with internal policies and external regulations.

Hackers are known to target content management systems and e-commerce platforms in particular because they can harbor a concentration of vulnerabilities that, once discovered, can easily be exploited over and over. Once a web application attack is in progress, the security team may not detect it for quite some time. Meanwhile, the attacker has free rein to wreak as much havoc as possible, helping themselves to sensitive corporate and even client data that may lie in the database behind the web application, such as credit card numbers or personally identifiable information (PII).

Unfortunately for businesses, even relatively unskilled hackers can easily launch these kinds of attacks and, with the prospect of lucrative paydays, they are especially motivated to do so. They typically look for easily exploitable vulnerabilities in a web application, such as those found in the OWASP Top 10, with which they can stage a cyber-assault. DAST tools operate in a similar way, giving your security and development teams timely visibility into application behaviors and potential weaknesses that could be exploited before an enterprising hacker discovers and capitalizes on them.

Cryptika Security Assessment
Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

Source code security review and analysis services looks at applications in non-runtime environment. This method of security testing has distinct advantages in that it can evaluate both web and non-web applications and through advanced modeling, where it can detect flaws in the software’s inputs and outputs that cannot be seen through dynamic web scanning alone.

Enterprise security today is highly focused on the application layer. Since security efforts have largely been successful in securing the enterprise perimeter, hackers and other malicious individuals have turned their attention to enterprise applications. Using embedded code or exploiting flaws in software, hackers gain control of company computers and get access to confidential information and customer records. Static code analysis is one of the security tools the enterprise can use to identify flaws and malicious code in applications before they are bought or deployed. But most static code analysis tools are only partially helpful - they focus on source code which, as proprietary or intellectual property, is often not accessible for testing. For enterprises seeking a static code analysis solution that can actually deliver 100 percent coverage even when source code is not available, Cryptika has the answer.

By scanning binary code (also called “compiled” or “byte” code) instead of source code, Cryptika’ s static code analysis methodology enables enterprises to test software more effectively and comprehensively, providing greater security for the organization, Cryptika static analysis services frees enterprises from having to spend resources on the purchase of software or hardware, on hiring software security experts and consultants to operate it, and on constant maintenance to keep effective.

Cryptika offers a fundamentally better approach to static code analysis through our patented automated static binary analysis, which has been called a “breakthrough” by industry analysts such as Gartner. By looking at the code in its “final” compiled version Cryptika can evaluate vulnerabilities introduced by linked libraries, APIs, compiler optimizations and third party components which source code testing cannot identify. This approach results in the most accurate and complete security testing available in the industry.

Cryptika Static Analysis supports all widely-used languages for desktop, web and mobile applications including:

Java (Java SE, Java EE, JSP)
Web Platforms: JavaScript (including AngularJS, Node.js, and jQuery), Scala, Python, PHP, Ruby on Rails, ColdFusion, and Classic ASP
Mobile Platforms: iOS (Objective-C and Swift), Android (Java), PhoneGap, Cordova, Titanium, Xamarin
C/C++ (Windows, RedHat Linux, OpenSUSE, Solaris)
Legacy Business Applications (COBOL, Visual Basic 6, RPG)

Software development is a multi-tier process where growing types of threats – such as those coming from malicious code and backdoors – are impossible to spot with traditional static code analysis tools because they are not visible in source code. For the first time, organizations can now detect these threats by using static binary analysis on the application in its final form.

What Problems Does SAST Solve

SAST takes place very early in the software development life cycle (SDLC) as it does not require a working application and can take place without code being executed. It helps developers identify vulnerabilities in the initial stages of development and quickly resolve issues without breaking builds or passing on vulnerabilities to the final release of the application.

SAST services give developers real-time feedback as they code, helping them fix issues before they pass the code to the next phase of the SDLC. This prevents security-related issues from being considered an afterthought. SAST tools also provide graphical representations of the issues found, from source to sink. These help you navigate the code easier, and to point out the exact location of vulnerabilities and highlight the risky code. This can also provide in-depth guidance on how to fix issues and the best place in the code to fix them, without requiring deep security domain expertise.

Why is SAST an Important Security Activity

Developers dramatically outnumber security staff. It can be challenging for an organization to find the resources to perform code reviews on even a fraction of its applications. A key strength of SAST services is the ability to analyze 100% of the code base. Additionally, they are combined between automated tests and manual secure code reviews performed by humans. The automated phase can scan millions of lines of code in a matter of minutes. SAST services identify critical vulnerabilities—such as buffer overflows, SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and others—with high confidence. Thus, integrating static analysis into the SDLC can yield dramatic results in the overall quality of the code developed.

SAST services give developers real-time feedback as they code, helping them fix issues before they pass the code to the next phase of the SDLC. This prevents security-related issues from being considered an afterthought. SAST tools also provide graphical representations of the issues found, from source to sink. These help you navigate the code easier, and to point out the exact location of vulnerabilities and highlight the risky code. This can also provide in-depth guidance on how to fix issues and the best place in the code to fix them, without requiring deep security domain expertise.

Get started now

Cryptika services and solutions complements the speed of deployment, unparalleled scalability, and accuracy. Together, they help you identify the highest priorities and accelerate your ability to fix potential security holes before they can be breached.

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#15 Wakalat Street, Al-Swiefieh, Amman, Jordan 962 6 2000 289 [email protected]

We have extended our geographical footprint across the Middle East region, now with offices in Dubai, Riyadh, Kuwait, Doha, and Amman