New Breed of Romance Scams Employs Fake Cryptocurrency Exchanges

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AhnLab’s Mobile Analysis Team has uncovered a sophisticated new wave of romance scams that exploit the burgeoning interest in cryptocurrency investments.

Unlike traditional romance scams that ask for money directly, these new schemes involve intricate manipulations, including the use of fake cryptocurrency exchanges to defraud victims.

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Luring Victims

Scammers initiate contact through social media, creating posts designed to attract the attention of potential victims.

These posts are generally innocuous and do not mention cryptocurrency directly.

The perpetrator sends a DM upon being followed by the victim and urging them to take the conversation to a messenger app with a translation feature

Once a victim engages with the post, the scammer uses direct messages to express gratitude and gradually moves the conversation to a messenger app equipped with translation features, enhancing their deceit by breaking language barriers.

Over several days, the scammer builds a rapport and assesses the victim’s susceptibility to the scam, reports the AhnLab Team.

Offhandedly mentioning cryptocurrency profits

They hint at lucrative cryptocurrency investments, sharing tales of substantial profits from a secret source, thus sparking interest in their unsuspecting target.

When a victim shows interest, the scammer introduces a fake cryptocurrency exchange, steering them away from legitimate platforms.

They fabricate advantages and restrictions to convince the victim that their recommended exchange is superior.

The scammers go as far as listing their fake exchange, “CoinB”, on popular platforms like Wikipedia and Namuwiki, misleadingly associating it with the reputable “Coinbase”.

This false information is propagated through social media platforms like YouTube and Facebook.

“CoinB” listed on Namuwiki and Wikipedia

Victims are encouraged to use a virtual account to familiarize themselves with the app, deliberately designed only to showcase features necessary for the scam.

This step includes a fake demonstration of profit, deepening the victim’s trust and investment desire.

Exfiltration of Personal Information

In the final stages, victims input their financial and personal information into the app to register and purchase coins.

This risks their financial loss and exposes them to potential identity theft.

Entering financial and personal information in the app, including cryptocurrency wallet address

The impact of these scams is profound, extending beyond financial losses to include emotional distress and potential identity theft.

The global reach of these scams, facilitated by translation features in messaging apps, highlights online fraud’s increasing sophistication and danger.

To combat these scams, individuals must be vigilant and skeptical of unsolicited investment advice and opportunities.

Here are several preventive measures:

  • Verify the legitimacy of any cryptocurrency exchange before use.
  • Be cautious of individuals who rush or pressure you into financial decisions.
  • Keep anti-malware software updated to protect against malicious applications.
  • Educate oneself about common tactics used in online scams to recognize red flags better.

This new breed of romance scams underscores the necessity for continuous education on cybersecurity practices and the importance of maintaining skepticism online.

Users are urged to report suspicious activities and help authorities halt these fraudulent schemes.








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