How To Collect Malware Indicators Of Compromise In The ANY.RUN Sandbox

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Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) are critical forensic artifacts that cybersecurity researchers use to “detect,” “investigate,” and “mitigate” security threats.

As these digital clues contain “suspicious IP addresses,” “malware signatures,” or “unusual system behavior patterns.”

So, all these elements are used by researchers to identify and respond to cyberattacks.

The interactive “Sandbox” of “ANY.RUN” offers a comprehensive platform for collecting a wide array of ‘IOCs’ which provides analysts with a complete, detailed view of cyber threats.

This analysis environment allows users to safely execute “suspicious files” or “URLs,” by observing their behavior in “real-time” and gathering valuable “threat intelligence.”

Integrate interactive malware sandbox from ANY.RUN in your organization. Sign up for a free account using a business email.

Technical Analysis

The sandbox captures various types of IOCs like “network communications,” “file system changes,” “registry modifications,” and “process behaviors,” enabling thorough threat assessment.

Not only that even it also facilitates the creation of robust defense strategies against evolving cyber threats.

File name displayed inside ANY.RUN sandbox (Source – ANY.RUN)

⁤The Main Object is the primary file that is under investigation is accessible via the upper-right corner of the interface, offering essential IOCs like “file paths” and “hashes.”

Main Objects IOCs inside ANY.RUN sandbox analysis (Source – ANY.RUN)

⁤In the bottom panel under “Files,” analysts can track “Dropped Executable Files,” revealing the malware’s “propagation” across the system. ⁤

Dropped executable files inside ANY.RUN (Source – ANY.RUN)

⁤”Network Indicators” are equally vital, as the DNS Requests, found under “Network → DNS Requests,” that expose domains and the malware attempts to access, not only that even it often unveils C2 infrastructure as well. ⁤

DNS requests inside ANY.RUN sandbox (Source – ANY.RUN)

“⁤Active Connections,” viewable under “Network → Connections,” which allows monitoring of the malware’s communication channels with “suspicious IP addresses.”

Connections in ANY.RUN sandbox analysis (Source – ANY.RUN)

These components collectively offer a “comprehensive view” of the “malware’s behavior,” from its “initial execution” to its interaction with “external servers.”

By examining these indicators security analysts can do the following things:-

  • Trace the activities of the malware.
  • Understand its propagation methods.
  • Identify potential threats.

This comprehensive approach in the “ANY.RUN sandbox” enables thorough threat investigation and analysis.

The ANY.RUN malware analysis sandbox’s comprehensive network traffic monitoring capabilities also enable analysts to track data exfiltration patterns through detailed “HTTP/HTTPS” request logs found under the Network → HTTP Requests section.

HTTP requests displayed in ANY.RUN (Source – ANY.RUN)

The platform’s sophisticated “MalConf” (Malware Configuration) feature is accessible via the top-right button.

MalConf button inside ANY.RUN sandbox (Source – ANY.RUN)

This automatically extracts crucial IOCs like “C2 server URLs,” “MD5/SHA file hashes,” “malicious domains,” and “IP addresses” from the malware’s internal configuration files.

Malware configurations inside (Source – ANY.RUN)

All these critical indicators are reduced in a centralized IOC window, which can be quickly accessed through the IOC button in the interface’s top-right corner.

This window aggregates intelligence from both the “Static Analysis” and “Dynamic Analysis” phases, presenting a “unified view of network artifacts,” “file system modifications,” and “runtime behaviors.”

IOCs window inside the ANY.RUN sandbox (Source – ANY.RUN)

The interface incorporates an ‘intuitive dropdown menu system’ for filtering and categorizing different types of IOCs.

It also offers ‘one-click’ export functionality that simplifies the further incorporation process.

Request a 14-day free trial to test all capabilities of the ANY.RUN sandbox.